Friday, June 20, 2008

Oh so quiet

I've been a bit out of sorts this week, mainly due to our poor sick cat-boy who is to be picked up from the vet this afternoon. Couple that with the tail end of girl-colds and it's no longer happyland here. Doesn't take much does it?

Anyhow, crafting from the last week sadly consists of a hanky for J and some completed legs for the wip from a few posts ago. She did turn out quite nicely though, considering she was salvaged from the reject pile. The original plan was a dog on four legs, like her yellow friend, but a misplaced nose decided otherwise.

As of last night she even has some almost-complete pants!

We had some company outside. Hannah's little animals wanted their picture taken too.

Some history: For Hannah's 3rd birthday she wanted a dog cake, so I cheated and made a 3-shaped cake and gave her some plastic dogs and lollies to decorate it with. She loved it. It's almost five months later, and those dogs (and now some cats) have been played with every single day. They've taken over the doll house and even come in the bath each night!

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

Your little crochet guy is super cute.

I love toys like that. We've got a set of tiny people that are treated exactly like your dogs & cats.