After a small spring clean it seems we have a teetering pile of out-dated CD's hanging around. It probably stems from our reluctance to toss previously useful belongings away. Does this happen at your house?
You probably have fabric scraps too, huh? Well Sew, Mama, Sew has dubbed October as Scrap Buster Month. If you're looking for ways to empty out your scrap basket, then it's well worth a visit. Today's tutorial is my eco-friendly way of trying to win some shiny new fabric from their wonderful store.

Ingredients (for one coaster):
2 x fabric scraps at least 14 cm square.
enough scraps to make up 55cm of bias binding
1 x unwanted CD
Before you start:
You will need to use a fairly sturdy fabric, as the CD will show through lighter fabrics. I've used denim from an old pair of jeans. Alternatively you could line loosely woven fabrics with plain fabric or interfacing scraps.
Also it is important that when attaching the binding it is close to the CD. Otherwise the CD will slide around and the coaster will be a bit floppy. If necessary, trim the seam allowance down to allow the binding to be up against the enclosed CD.
Step 1:
Lay fabric scraps together with wrong sides together. Cut out a 14 cm diameter circle. To do this I drew around my CD then added a 1 cm seam allowance.
Bias binding:
Cut diagonal strips of fabric 4 cm wide. Join to form at least 55 cm of bias binding. Press binding flat with seams open. Trim off any over hanging corners. Fold strip in half along length and press, to make it 2 cm wide. Open binding out flat again. Fold one long side of strip to center crease and press. Repeat for other side. Fold two sides together along center crease again and press. The binding strip should now be 1 cm wide.
I forgot to photograph making the bias binding. Sorry. If you need more visual instructions then a quick search should help you out.

Step 2:
Place the CD between the two circles, right sides facing out. Pin the two fabric layers together around the CD, enclosing it in the center. Using your sewing machine's zipper foot, baste the circles together around the CD. Make sure the CD is tightly enclosed by stitching as close to the CD as possible.

Step 3:
Pin and then sew binding over the raw edges of the circles. Stitch close to the edge of the binding, which should also be close to the CD. Trim off excess binding, leaving a small overlap and sewing the binding end down over the binding start. Done!

Now you can pour yourself a beverage of your choosing and admire your handiwork!
Please let me know if you have trouble with my newbie tutorial-making skills. I'm happy to help and reword any points that may be confusing.
This is so cute! I would never have thought about using an old CD in the middle of a fabric coaster.
I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:
Oh my, what a wonderful idea... I know I will be making some of these for Christmas gifts, thank you so much for an excellent tutorial.
Having just uncovered a load of old CDs this is perfect! Thank you for sharing the tutorial!
I like it! What a good idea. Thanks!
Wow, this is a great tutorial. I just saw it in Sew Mama Sew and I think it's genius. I need to try it ASAP!
These are fabulous! I'm loving all these scrap buster projects. Not only are the crafts wonderful, but I'm finding so many new blogs! I would love to link to this project if you didn't mind.
That is such a cool idea. You should sell those, I'm feeling totally lazy these days and would definitely buy some - actually perhaps I should motivate they'd be a great present, perhaps a set of 6 for Christmas! I'll give it a whirl and then email you the snaps!
I love this, now where was this when all those AOL cds were being mailed out to everyone.
Truly brilliant! Thanks for sharing; your instructions are great.
Great project - I especially appreciate the caution about sewing closely enough so the CD doesn't slide around - that's the kind of info I need! :>) I linked to this on my weekly roundup - the post is here. Thanks!!
I post a link to your tutorial for a group on :
Many thanks.
This is a fantastic idea! I have a pile of those CDs AOL kept sending me that I couldn't bare to send to the landfill. Thanks!
Translation from English into Italian is awful and very hard to undestand.
That an mazing idea!!! :D
I'll do it definitely!
xx Zoe
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